Directions for Surname Research
There are two separate areas for geneaglogical research on this website, the "Pedigree Database" and "Surname Research". Since it can be confusing to navigate, please read the explanation below:
Pedigree Database -
The Pedigree Database is viewable by members of PVF only. The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding hosts our database on software that can be accessed as part of a membership in the Pommerscher Verein Freistadt. It is the full genealogy database of over 187,000 names submitted to our society, and it is searchable by surname, given name and placename. It is possible to see descendants and ancestors in different charts and forms. A researcher is able to make suggestions and corrections to data in the database through a "Suggest" tab found on each individual page.
Linda Herrick, PVF genealogist, gave a presentation on how to use the Pedigree Database. Here is the link to the slides used in the presentation.
Surname Research - This section below the Pedigree Database is a list of names that is generated by people searching for their family surnames.
If you are a PVF member, you can add your family name(s) anonymously. To do this, you log in with your user name and password, then on the red side bar on the left under "Member Log In", select "Profile". Next select the "Surnames" tab. Select the "+" on the right hand side. A row of empty boxes will open up. Fill in as much information as you know.
Now other people searching online can find your names and contact you through this website if they wish. If they do, you will receive an email from them with this website's address, asking if you wish to correspond with them directly. You have the option to respond directly or not.
To view details about a surname on this page, select the "eye" icon on the left. To email the person who submitted the surname, select the "envelope" with the question mark in it.
To submit names to this site, you need to have submitted your email
address to PVF so that people can email you.
Without an email address, no one is able to correspond with you through this web site!