Pommerscher Verein Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt

German Words with English Translations

Diseases, Occupations, Military, Land Terms

Diseases and Causes of Death

Abortus / Abtreibung - abortion Haisentzündung - throat infection
Abszess - abscess Haisschwindsuch - throat congestion
Alter - age, old age Hirnentzüng - brain infection
Altersschwache - weakness of old age Hitziges Fieber, Kopfhtizig - brain fever
Aussatz - leprosy Husten - cough
Ausserer Schaden - external damage Influenze, Grippe - influenza
Auszehrung - consumption, wasting away Innerliche Krankheit - internal disease
Bandwurm - tapeworm Ischias - sciatica (hip joint problems)
Beulenpest - bubonic plague Keuchhusten - whooping cough
Blätterrose - shingles Kindbettfieber - childbed fever
Blinddarm - appendicitis Kinderpocken - chicken pox
Blutfluss, Blutlauf, Blutgang - hemorrhage Knockenfrass   - bone disease 
Bräune - quinsy, angina Knockenkrebs - bone cancer
Brand am Fuss - gangrene on the foot Kolik - dysentery
Brechruhr - scholera Kopfwasser - hydrocephalus - fluid on the brain
Bruchschaden - hernia Krampfe - cramps, convulsions
Brustenzündung, Brustfieber - pleurisy, inflamation of the chest Kratze - scabies
Brustkrämpf - cramps, spasms, convulsions Krebs - cancer
Brustwassersucht - dropsy of the chest Kropf - goiter
Cholera - Cholera Langwierige Krankheit - prolonged illness
Durchfall - diarrhea Lungenentzundung - pneumonia
Eiterbeule - abscess Lungenkatarrh, sucht, lähmung - pulmonary pneumonia
Entkräftung - weakening, debilitation, exhaustion Magenkatarrh - gastritis
Epilepsie - epilepsy Magenschwäche - stomach disease
Fehlgeburt - miscarriage Masern - measles
Faulfieber - putrid fever Milzverhärtung - anthrax 
Fieber - fever Nervenfieber - nervous fever
Fleckfieber - typhoid fever Nesselwurn - tapeworm
Flechtenkrankheit - dry scab Pedechien - typhotic fever
Flecktyphus - typhoid fever Pest - plague
Frühgeburt - premature birth Pocken - pox
Gehirnschlag - cerebral apoplexy Röude - dry scab
Gelbscucht - jaundice Rothein - German measles
Gelenkrheumatismus - arthritis Ruhr - dysentery
Geschwurst - swelling or tumor, goiter Scharlachfieber - scarlet fever
Geschwur im Hals - ulcer in throat Schlaganfall - cerebral apoplexy
Gesichtsrose - shingles Schleimfieber - mucous fever
Gicht - arthritis Schwachsinn - feebleminded
Gliederstoptung - apoplexy Schwamme - fungus
Gürtelrose - shingles Schwindsucht - consumption
 Occupations / Beruf
Ackermann - small farmer
Adeliger or Edelmann - nobleman
Amtmann - senior clerk of civil service 
Amtsbezirk - area of jurisdiction
Amtsgericht - district court
Arbeitsmann - laborer, non-farm worker
Arzt - physician
Aufseher - supervisor
Auslander - foreigner
Auswander - emigrant
Arzt - physician
Bauer - modern term after about 1850 for middle-sized farmer (500 Morgen)
Baumgartner - gardener
Beamter - official
Bede - tax
Bergmann - miner
Bierbrauer  or Biersieder - beer brewer
Böttcher - cooper - a barrel (or cask) maker
Briefbote or Briefträger- mailman
Buchdrucker - printer
Büttel - court official
Büdner - cottager
Buttner - cooper
Büdner - very small farmer
Bürger - citizen
Bürgermeister - mayor
Dachdecker - roof tiler
Diener - servant
Dienerin - maid servant
Deputant - land laborer paid in (Deputat) like grain, potatoes, lodging
Eingepfarrte Dörfer - villages belonging to a church-district.
Einlieger - a laborer who lived on the farm
Einwohner (pre 1850) - resident (living in that place)
Emphyteut (pre 1850) - tenant on royal Amt land (West Prussia only)
Erbpächter - hereditary farmers
Feldmesser - surveyor
Fischer - fisherman
Flaschenmacher - bottle maker
Fleischer - butcher
Förster - forest ranger
Fuhrmann - coachman, wagoner
Fremder - stranger
Gärtner - gardener
Gästwirt - innkeeper
Gaukler - vagabond, minstrel, magician
Geistlicher - clergyman
Gemeinde - town, village or community
Gerber - tanner
Gesell - journeyman
Gevälter  or Gevatterin -  Godfather
Glockner - sexton, bell ringer
Graf - count or earl
Greis - old man
Grenadier - infantryman
Grobsschmied - blacksmith
Gross-Herzog - grand duke
Gutsbesitzer - modern term after about 1850 for large estate farmer
Hakenbuedner - store owner/tenant selling supplies displayed on hooks on walls or ceiling
Halbbauer - a farmer with a smaller amount of land than a Bauer
Hammerschmied - blacksmith
Händler - trader, merchant
Handwerker - craftsman
Hausmeister - caretaker
Hebamme - midwife
Herzog - duke
Hide - about 40 acres of land
Hirtin - herder
Hoeker - same as Hakenbuedner
Hofmeister - a foreman (kept payrolls, hired seasonal workers, and oversaw the work done)
Hufen - about 80 acres of land
Hufenbauern - full owners of a farm
Hufenmeister - a collecter of land rent
Imker - beekeeper
Inwohner - inhabitant
Instfrau - single female worker
Instmann - single worker
Jungfer - old maid
Junggesellen - bachelor
Kätner or Katner - a day worker
Kanter - singer
Kaufmann - merchant
Kerkermeister - jailer 
Kessler - boilerman
Kirchenschoffe - church council
Kneckt -  servant
Koch - cook
Kossat - a small farmer, with no horses
Korbplechter - basket maker or basket weaver
Kossäten Gärtner - small farmers or land cottagers
Krüger - tenant of inn, pub or pharmacy owned and licensed by king, noble or landlord
Krugpächter - same as Krüger
Kuhirt - cowherder
Kuhirtin - female cowherder
Kupferschmied - coppersmith
Küster - sexton
Kutscher - coachman
Landmann - farmer
Landstreicher - tramp
Laufer - messenger
Lehrer - teacher, educator
Lehrling - apprentice
Leiermann - organ grinder
Magd - maid servant
Nachbar - member of group (Nachbarschaft) leasing land from   landlord
Magister - schoolmaster
Maier - overseer or painter
Mälzer - beer distiller
Mauerer - mason
Metzger - butcher
Müller - miller
Mundel - orphan
Musiker - musician
Musketier -  musketeer, infantry soldier
Nachtwachter - night watchman
Nadler - needle maker
Nagelschmied - nailsmith
Ochsenknecht - cow herder
Pachter - lessee, one who leases land
Pfarrer - minister
Pfiefer - piper
Probst - administrator of the law
Puppenmacher - doll maker
Richter - judge
Ritter - knight
Rittergutsbesitzer - owner of a large medieval estate farm
Sattier - saddle maker
Schäenker or Schankwart - same as Krüger
Schöffen - the court
Schifter - sailor
Schlosser - locksmith
Schneider - taylor
Schreiner - cabinet maker, joiner
Schulz - the mayor
Schuster - shoe maker
Seiler - rope maker
Siedler - settler
Silberschmied - silver smith
Soldat - soldier
Standesamt - registry office
Stellmacher - wheelwright
Steuereinnehmer - tax collector
Taufpate - Godfather
Taufpatin - Godmother
Taufpaten - Godparents
Tagelöhner - land laborer earning daily wage in kind (Deputat), some cash
Topfer - potter
Trabant - foot soldier
Traeger - pallbearer
Träxl - wood turner
Traiteur, Trakteur - master cook
Traubenweber - cloth weave
Trautgesell(e) - trusted journeyman
Trautherr - trusted master
Trautmann - trusted man
Traexl, Traxler - wood turner
Trechsler - wood turner
Trimmer - freight hauler
Trissler - treasurer
Trödler - peddler
Uhrmacher - clock maker
Wagner - wagon maker
Weber - weaver
Wehmutter - midwife
Wirt - innkeeper
Zeidler - bee keeper
Zeigler - brick maker
Zigeuner -   gipsy
Zimmermann - carpenter
Zuckerbäcker - candy maker
Military Terms

Armeekorps - Army Corps
Beulaubler Grenadier Instmann - Infantryman on furlough
Bezirkskommando - district military office
Dragoon - Cavalry - horsemen soldiers
Dragoner - Calvary man
Ersatzkompanie - replacement company (a place to go after a leave for illness, etc.)
Eskadron - Squadron
Fussrupe - Infantry
Grenadier - Grenadier, infantryman
Infanterist - Infantry men
Invalider Dragone - a retired Calvary man
Kavallerist - a Cavalry man, soldiers on horses
Kommando - command post
Landesschützen - elderly soldiers, a type of infantry
Landwehr - territorial army
Militär - military
Musikus - trumpeter
Sanitäts-Kompanie - medical company
Sekonde-leutnant - Second Leutenant
Soldat - soldier
Unteroffizier - lower officer
Zerstörer - a type of battleship
Zerstöer Geschwader - a marine squadron

Land Terms

Grundbuch - land registry records

Kataster - register of propery showing value and ownership for taxation

Bauern - farmers in the village

Vollbauer - full farmer

Halbbauer - half farmer

Kossäthen - farmers of the village

Käthner - small farmer with limited holdings

Büdner - has only a house and garden