Pommerscher Verein Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt

Polish Records

Polish Records for Former Pomeranian Areas Under Polish Jurisdiction

Archives in Hinterpommern - Polen

The Polish State Archives (Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Panstwowych) maintains the older German church and civil records. There are five district archives for the regions of what was formerly Hinterpommern.  Many of these records dating before 1880 have been microfilmed by the LDS Church, and are available in the U.S. through the Family History Library.

Hinterpommern civil records (Urzad Stanu Cywilnego) were originally recorded in the local town office. Vital records less than 100 years old are located in the town's local government office, while records older than 100 years are at one of the Polish State Archives regional branches.

The Polish State and District archives include:

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