Pommerscher Verein Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt
The Pomeranian Society of Freistadt



The largest collection of Pommern newspapers is in the University Library in Greifswald. Other large collections are in the University Library in Rostock and the Berlin State Library.  German newspapers ordinarily did not have obituaries of people, but did have advertisements placed by families when a family member died. The advertisement would list the surviving relatives, and  often gave a death date and birth date, and a woman's maiden name. Other types of advertisements included plans for a family to emigrate, notices of bankruptcy sales, and a search missing heirs. An annual listing of those who were called up by the army was also published.
  • ABYZ News Links - Germany - Newspapers and News Sources 
  • The Germanic Emigrants Register (P.O. Box 1720, D-49437 Diepholz, Germany), is a commercial venture to abstract such announcements from the Deutscher Reichs-Anzeiger und Koeniglich preussicher Staats-Anzeiger, the official gazette of the imperial German government, for the years 1875-1914.
  • Herder-Institut Marburg. Centre for Historical Research on East Central Europe. The Newspaper collection has exhaustive materials from Poland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. These materials constitute a unique collection of documents on Eastern Central European contemporary history. (In English and German)
  • A list of old German newspapers and magazines is given by the following (German) publication: Sperlings Zeitschriften-Adressbuch Handbuch der deutschen Presse, Die wichtigsten deutschen Zeitschriften und politischen Zeitungen Deutschlands, Deutsch-Österreichs und des europäischen Auslands; Verlag des Börsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhändler zu Leipzig; Leipzig; 50. Ausgabe; 1923; 410+ 64 S.
  • Die Pommersche Zeitung.  "Für ein freies Pommern, Im geeinten Deutschland, und vereinten Europa." The Pomeranian Newspaper. "For a free Pomerania, a unified Germany, and a united Europe." (In German).
  • van Kempen, Wilhelm. "Gerichtliche Todeserklaerungen im Landrosteibezirk Hildesheim zwischen 1849 and 1866," Norddeutsche Familienkunde, Bd. 7, Jg. 16 (1967), 321-340, 372-376.  Court declarations of death in the Landrosteibezirk Hildesheim between 1849 and 1866.
  • Library of Congress. United States newspapers containing Hinterpommern material available online.
    Jan. 2025